Monday, August 10, 2020

Is Homework Redundant?

Is Homework Redundant? Homework should be banned if it does not have anything to with the topic or studied subject. It is not ethical to assign tasks that students did not cover in class and expect to get excellent papers. Research shows that some students regularly receive higher amounts of homework than experts recommend, which may cause stress and negative health effects. The researchers used students’ self-reporting on homework because they felt it was important to explore the students firsthand experiences with homework. With many tasks to solve in one night, a student trains multitasking skills. A single assignment may require research, writing, and analysis skills plus some computer skills. All references were in place and research was really in-depth. When the “reward time” is up, pick your next homework/work assignment and repeat the process. You’ll find that rewarding yourself throughout the day with mini-breaks makes work more fun, engaging, and enjoyable. If I rewarded myself for working on a homework assignment for a specific amount of time â€" say, minutes â€" homework became fun and exciting, because I looked forward to the reward afterwards . Many students felt they were being asked to work as hard as adults, and noted that their workload seemed inappropriate for their development level. They reported having little time for relaxing or creative activities. The research involved a series of interviews with students, teachers, and administrators, as well as a survey of a total of 128 juniors from two private high schools. It focused more broadly on how students at elite private high schools cope with the combined pressures of school work, college applications, extracurricular activities, and parents’ expectations. Many students felt forced or obligated to choose homework over developing other talents or skills. Pope described one teacher she worked with who taught Advanced Placement biology, and experimented by dramatically cutting down homework assignments. First the teacher cut homework by a third, and then cut the assignments in half. In an interview with Monitor on Psychology, Pope pointed out that students can learn challenging skills even when less homework is assigned. Pope, who co-authored that study, argued that homework assignments should have a purpose and benefit, and should be designed to cultivate learning and development. The researchers expressed concern that students at high-pressure high schools can get burned out before they even get to college. However, students who participated in the study reported doing slightly more than three hours of homework each night, on average. Some parents, in fact, have decided to opt out of the whole thing. The Washington Post reported in 2016 that some parents have just instructed their younger children not to do their homework assignments. And all those extra assignments may lead to family stress, especially when parents with limited education aren’t confident in their ability to talk with the school about their child’s work. But the most recent study to examine the issue found that kids in their study who were in early elementary school received about three times the amount of recommended homework. For these reasons, cheating can be a source for pride that boosts self-esteem. Given this construct, cheating is not simply something many students do; it is something all students in compulsory schools should do. One of the most salient features of all public schools is the importance of grades. No more than 30 minutes of after-class tasks are recommended. If students feel bad for cheating, it is because the environment has created a set of conditions where cheating is necessary and justifiable. For this same reason, many students are proud that they cheat. Cheating often requires creativity in terms of execution as well as ingenuity to avoid being caught. It also serves as a statement of disdain against an arbitrary and repressive institution. Because of the lack of writing or research skills, they risk failing the entire course, and most teachers do nothing to help. HuffingtonPost in its article supports students from the United States and the United Kingdom who believe the amount of homework tasks is not fair. Because grades are the currency and sole commodity of schools, they are used both to motivate and punish. They are a major component of a student’s portfolio and have the potential to impact their future. Educators might try to stress the value of “learning” over grades, but that is a complete farce. When learning is not commensurately represented by grades, students rightly feel cheated by the system and become apathetic. To insist on valuing learning over grades is offensively disingenuous and hypocritical. It is akin to telling workers at McDonald’s that they should care more about doing their job than their salary. We are an online custom writing service to provide products tailored for customers to use in their own way.

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